[ 9.023590] init: wait for '/dev/block/vdr' timed out and took 5000ms [ 9.025344] init: Command 'wait /dev/block/vdr' action=post-fs (/vendor/etc/init/init.lion.rc:16) took 5002ms and failed: wait_for_file() failed [ 9.026884] init: Service 'exec 3 (/system/bin/recovery-refresh)' (pid 349) exited with status 254 [ 14.034569] init: wait for '/dev/block/vdq' timed out and took 5004ms [ 14.036038] init: Command 'wait /dev/block/vdq' action=post-fs (/vendor/etc/init/init.lion.rc:24) took 5006ms and failed: wait_for_file() failed
/android/device/gxatek/product/init.lion.rc on post-fs # Keeping following partitions outside fstab file. As user may not have # these partition flashed on the device. Failure to mount any partition in fstab file # results in failure to launch late-start class. wait /dev/block/vdr mount ext4 /dev/block/vdr /vehicledefcfg noatime nosuid nodev barrier=1
mkdir /data/vendor/vehicledefcfg 0551 system system mkdir /vehicleconfig/data 0771 system system mkdir /vehicleconfig/data/mnt-c 0771 system system mkdir /vehicleconfig/data/mnt-wt 0771 system system mkdir /vehicleconfig/data/mnt-backup 0770 system system wait /dev/block/vdq mount ext4 /dev/block/vdq /vehicleconfig/data/mnt-wt noatime nosuid nodev barrier=1 mount ext4 /dev/block/vdq /vehicleconfig/data/mnt-c noatime nosuid nodev barrier=1
chown system system /vehicleconfig/data/mnt-wt chown system system /vehicleconfig/data/mnt-c chown system system /vehicledefcfg